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West Minster

Primary School

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West Minster

Primary School


Mathematics Statement of Intent

At West Minster Primary School we have adopted a Mastery approach to teaching and learning in Mathematics.

We aim that all pupils:
1) Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics so that they develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
 2)Can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of problems with increasing sophistication, including in unfamiliar contexts and to model real-life scenarios.
3) Can reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry and develop and present a justification, argument or proof using mathematical language.

We follow the mastery maths lesson style of CONCRETE-PICTORIAL- ABSTRACT (based on research by Bruner) to ensure children have a true understanding of a concept. Teachers ensure that knowledge, reasoning and problem solving are incorporated in all mathematical concepts.


Maths Mastery:
“The essential idea behind “mastery in mathematics” is that all pupils need a deep understanding of the mathematics they are learning so that future mathematical learning is built on solid foundations which do not need to be retaught. Key ideas and building blocks are important for everyone and the class work together on the same key point, whilst at the same time pupils are supported or accelerated to gain depth of understanding and proficiency. Acceleration to higher content is avoided. Instead the reasoning behind mathematical processes is emphasised. Teacher/pupil interaction explores in detail how answers were obtained, why the method/strategy worked, and what might be the most efficient method/strategy.”
– (NCETM website)


Mastery is not just being able to memorise key facts and procedures and to answer test questions accurately and quickly. Mastery involves knowing why as well as knowing that and knowing how. It means being able to use one’s knowledge appropriately, flexibly and creatively and to apply it in new and unfamiliar situations.


In Years 1-6 we have developed our curriculum following the White Rose Hub scheme of work, to allow teachers and learners to achieve a secure and deep understanding of each Mathematical Concept. It is designed to give us the opportunity to address key points individually, ensure that children have a secure and deep understanding of those points, before offering the opportunity to go deeper within them. We also continue to use a range of other resources, including (but not exclusively) Maths No Problem, NCETM and Inspire, to enhance the learning experiences of the pupils. In Early Years, and where appropriate in Year 1, the principles of the EYFS Framework will be followed, and there will be the opportunity to explore maths and develop their understanding of Mathematical concepts through play.


Using the White Rose assessment guidance, alongside teacher’s own formats for summative and formative assessment teachers are able to accurately assess, track and monitor children’s attainment and progress in Mathematics.


Useful maths websites for home learning:



When it comes to times tables, speed AND accuracy are important – the more facts your child remembers, the easier it is for them to do harder calculations.


Times Table Rock Stars is a fun and challenging programme designed to help students master the times tables!

To be a Times Table Rock Star you need to answer any multiplication fact up to 12×12 in less than 3 seconds!

All children have an account that can be used at home or in school. Times Table Rock Stars enables children to acquire times table facts in a competitive and fun way.


For more information on Times Table Rock Stars, or to take part in the challenge, please visit: 

‘Nrich’ – is a Maths website which focuses entirely on problem solving. It is used in Maths throughout our school, but can also be accessed at home. There are always ‘live’ problems which the children can try to solve and submit their solutions online.




Motty has spent a fantastic week doing some Active Maths with Sunflower Class and Daisy Class. Next week he will be joining some active mathematicians in Tulip, Snapdragon and Lavender classes. Look here later in the week to see what learning he is doing with his friends.


Following our participation in the NSPCC Number Day this year we now have a new visitor to our classrooms – Buddy the Stay Safe, Speak out Mascot!


Buddy loves going into classes to learn with our fantastic mathematicians in class and seeing his friends have fun learning. This week he is visiting Violet Class, the winners of Buddy’s Key Challenge during the NSPCC Number Day. Well done Violet Class.


Well done in the NSPCC Rocks tournament to …

Primroses who had the average highest user total.

And also to …

Sunflowers who had the highest class total.
