Reading: Assessment for learning (AFL) is completed using Accelerated Reader and Star Reader- this obtains levels. Further AFL is completed by teachers/ TA’s on a one to one basis.
Guided Reading ‘The Big Idea’ is planned by the teacher using one idea for the whole week. Whole class guided reading focus is implemented daily for around twenty minutes and links to the writing purpose. The link to the writing is a pre-teach strategy and also promotes mastery in comprehension.
Reading for pleasure: Children are encouraged to read for pleasure and this is captured using the ‘Buster Book Club’ strategy. As a school, we have also purchased a shed ‘The Book Swap Shed’ which is placed in the playground. Children have the opportunity to bring a book in from home and swap it with a different book. This is a free way for children to access more reading material and enjoy reading a range of text.
Writing: ‘The Big Green Write’ (BGW) has been developed over the last two years and this show cases the children’s writing and skills applied independently. Children from year 1 to year 6 each have a green folder where these independent pieces are kept. The children take this folder to their next year group and progress is easily identified.
Writing purpose: Each term teachers decide which purpose would suit the topic (writing to entertain, writing to inform, writing to persuade). Children will begin the term learning 3 to 4 success criteria (SC), they then apply these in their BGW and as the term progresses the children build on the SC but still include and independently apply the previous skills learnt. This is promoting mastery in writing.