Throughout our teaching of Geography, Sheerness West Federation aims to:
Stimulate pupil’s enthusiasm and interest in their own surroundings, encouraging them to know and develop attachments to their own locality, taking an active role in society.
Develop a global understanding as well as studying the local area and other localities in Kent and the United Kingdom. We aim to encourage pupils to put the interests of the UK and Europe into a world context.
Respect the diversity of cultures to gain a balanced viewpoint of different people and places and challenge biased images and negative stereotypes.
Increase pupils knowledge and understanding of the changing world, educating them for tomorrow and giving them the skills and adaptability to understand change and develop a future vision.
Encourage Citizenship in an interconnected world.
Develop an understanding of sustainability and the relationship between people and the environment and how actions can affect the quality of the environment.
Encourage curiosity, personal interpretation, develop positive attitudes and opinions towards the world.
Understand how physical features affect the lifestyles of different peoples throughout the world.
Enable pupils to acquire and develop the skills necessary for geographical enquiries. Children should be able to locate themselves in their surroundings, interpret and represent spatial relationships, undertake fieldwork and understand patterns.